Thursday 11.12.09 ideas post
My latest creation/disaster... I'm a definitely hitting a wall with this concept visually. I really like photographs that have more color and beauty behind them and I am really missing it in this work. I was doing some research of artists and a lot of them were funny and engaging and their work reflected these same values. Artists like Miranda July and Penelope Umbrico are colorful and interesting visually.
I am scared to change the visuals of my project more than half way through this semester but it seems necessary for production to keep happening. In my mid term crit, my pieces were overwhelming with the amount of images and the information in it. I wanted to simplify this. The image above is my first attempt of this but I am making myself try and this is not the kind of thing that i want to make.
My concept is about: Through this work I am striving to communicate the circular life we live and the need to appreciate every moment. I hope to express the beauty in the everyday cycle by creating images that represent the flow of our lives. The objects in my images represent the fragile days that go by so fast. A few of those little images could be the great days where goals where accomplished but that day could not exist without the days that lead to it. I will use my work to spread the idea that each day is important because there will always be challenges in life but it is important to enjoy each day as much as we enjoy conquering challenges and completing goals.
This is the artist statement from my midterm presentation. This is the idea that i think about on a daily basis, and the struggle i face to motivate myself everyday. What makes the day? The sun and the moon and the earth.
The next step that i was going to take with my work was to make a long strip of these eggs or balls bouncing and falling up and down to represent life and the daily ups, down, successes and disasters of it all. I want to try the same visual composition with something that is in direct relationship to the daily experience. The sun and the moon . I don't know how this will work but i have a picture in my head that is similar to Penelope Umbrico's door piece. I think i am going to try to take pictures of the sun and moon at all different times and use the sliver of the photograph that shows the moon or the sun. I will try to connect horizon lines and leading lines photographs. This will force me to do daily shooting.
Even though the visuals in the image are changing i think it will only help me to translate my ideas of appreciating the day and life as a whole and not getting totally caught up being miserable for one goal.
This is scary and different but I have a renewed excitement that I haven't felt for this project yet.
The image isn't showing up for me!
What do you mean use the silver from the photograph? This is Ashley selbe right? Are you going to take night time pictures to? Do the cloudy days represent bad days? or are you just representing times of days?
yea I can't see the image either : / it sounds like an interesting direction, but it's hard to visualize your description.