Friday, March 26, 2010

NEW ARTIST POST: 3/22/10 Sue Williams

The age of Aquarius, 2009, oil and acrylic on canvas 42 x 52 inches., 2005, oil on acrylic on canvas, 72 x 84 inches.

Sue Williams

I have read many different articles trying to wrap my head around what these pieces by Sue Williams are about. "The long history of bloody interventions and brutal colonialism perprtrated globally by the most powerful nation," this quote was in a passage that was trying to explain what these pieces mean. Really, it goes straight over my head. 

I was attracted to this work because it has a very Dr. Suess like look to it. It is bright, shapely and bubbly, it has loose outlines of a darker color, and colors paired together to make the designs pop. It is interesting that from afar these pieces are attractive curvy designs. When approaching the piece you see that these designs are like intestines. The look like bodily bits and pieces and wrap and link together to form this long thriving twisting things in the painting.

The combination of the cartoon and childish nature with the grotesique figures that seem to move around the canvas create a strange balance that I am not sure what it means. I would guess that in simple meaning it really talks about this combination and contrast that I described.

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